If you’ve come across more rainbows than usual in the past few weeks, this is the reason: The city of Amsterdam will be the heart of the Europride/ Gaypride in 2016.
Like every summer since 1996, we will be celebrating pride, something which contributes to a tolerant and LGBT friendly atmosphere.
Since the Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalise marriage equality (same-sex marriage), many people are asking if Pride is still as important as it was? The answer is yes.
Pride means something different to everyone. Everyone has their own personal reasons, whether it is representing, celebrating or remembering. But for me personally, it’s about unity, conversation and love.
In times where the news is full of stories of intolerance and violence, we seem to have forgotten that love has an important role in our lives. Our lives are better when we are loved and when we love others.
Transforming our logo into the colours of the rainbow for the next couple of weeks is a small thing we can do to remind ourselves of the value of meaningful relationships, whether it’s with clients and colleagues or the ones we already love.
Together we can make the world a better place.
Happy pride and happy holidays! #LoveIsLoveIsLove
Martijn Nahumury ǀ + 31 (0)6 47 318 304 ǀ Follow MFN Advies on LinkedIn